Everyone is familiar with painting the town red, so this Radiothon we’re encouraging Melbourne to Paint The Town Triple R! It’s an opportunity to celebrate vibrant, free form radio made by many hands. An excuse to revel in true artistic freedom and radio that challenges and broadens your sonic palette.


Since 1976 we’ve been brightening Melbourne’s cultural landscape with original and independent ideas, music and programming. In a time of play listing and media monopolies, we make radio that encompasses many voices and is broad spectrum broadcasting made in Melbourne.


Radiothon is a time to celebrate all of our amazing volunteer broadcasters, our diverse programming, our lack of play listing, our behind-the-scenes volunteers, our subscribers and our independence. Radiothon 2015 is the time to


Paint the Town Triple R!


If you subscribe to Triple R from Friday the 14th of August until Wednesday the 23rd of September (by 5pm) you'll go in the running to win some amazing prizes and be eligible for our round-the-clock array of subscriber discounts, give-aways and competitions, and help Triple R stay on air.


michaels is a major sponsor of the Triple R Radiothon, supplying one of the major prizes which is a Canon EOS M3 Complete Photographer's Kit (Comprising of the new Canon EOS M3 mirrorless camera, 18-55mm lens, 55-200mm telephoto lens, 11-22mm wide angle lens and 22mm prime lens.)


Click here for the full prize list.

To find out more about subscribing to Triple R, click here.

Full prize terms & conditions are available here


You can subscribe via credit card here, call Triple R on +61 3 9388 1027 or feel free to drop by the Triple R office during hours (Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm) 221 Nicholson St (Cnr Blyth St) Brunswick East.


Subscription Categories:

Full - $75

Passionate - $125

Concession - $40

Business - $150

Band - $75

Artist - $75

DJ - $75

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