Lithium batteries have replaced almost all of the competing rechargeable battery technologies across nearly every product segment from mobile phones to electric cars.
Most lithium batteries that are used in consumer products are designed with a life expectancy of between 300 and 500 discharge/charge cycles. This factor is normally specified to 80% depth of discharge.
However, it is important to note that many usage factors can both extend or decrease the life of a lithium battery.
General guidelines to be aware of when using lithium battery to get the longest life & capacity:
As you can see there are a number of competing factors which control the life and use of a lithium battery.
So what does this mean to you?
michaels camera stocks the widest range of replacement lithium batteries for all brands of cameras and often we can provide the choice of the original manufacturers brand or reasonably priced Promaster batteries. All Promaster batteries meet or exceed the manufacturer's specifications and come with unique 3 year replacement warranty.
Click here to see our complete range of Promaster Replacement Lithium Ion Batteries