Fuji Instax Scrapbooking Workshops - Drop-In Sessions - 10am-3pm Sat. 19th November

November 16, 2016

Step into a one-of-a-kind creative space made for bringing your images and your imagination together, and taking them higher! From 10AM - 3PM drop in to Fuji's Wonderstore at the Imaging Department and get hands-on with all the wonderful stickers, washi-tape and more to bring life and creativity to your instant photos! This is the perfect activity for your kids!


Fujifilm's Australia Wonderstore @ michaels hosts an extensive range of craft cards, scrapbooks, frames, washi tape (masking tape), stickers and the like and have been designed in Australia to complement the Australasian market. michaels boasts the largest range of Wonderstore products and accessories in Australia to complement that perfect gift that is an instant camera. Fujifilm will be running drop-in scrapbooking workshops between 10AM - 3PM where you can have your photo taken and create the unique and perfect take-home souvenir from your day at Melbourne's Photo Show! Bookings are not necessary and this activity is perfect for the kids! 

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