Aliki Smith shares her experiences in transitioning from photographer to publisher and her passion to support women's film photography and writing through print media. Smith's publication, She Shoots Film, explores the landscape of film photography in contemporary society and the female gaze. She will be discussing her move from digital to analogue publishing and print production, what it's like to be an independent publisher and working with niche works while still speaking to the greater public.
No booking required. As seating and space is limited please arrive early as it is first come, first serve. Please note: Doors will open 10 minutes before each lecture.
Aliki Smith is the Editor-in-Chief of She Shoots Film magazine, an indie publication dedicated to exploring life through the female gaze. Based in Melbourne, Smith has been the Editor-in-Chief since the its first digital publication 2014. She Shoots Film have since moved into print and have published two issues: Self Portrait and MOTHER, with a third, Metamorphosis, on the way. The publication encourages, supports and draws attention to emerging and seasoned film photographers that make photography with a woman's eye. Smith is committed to offering a raw and emotive selection of film photography, interviews and narratives by women and is focused on bringing the woman's perspective to the forefront of photography in print
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